
divendres, 28 de maig del 2010

Little Red Riding Hood


Here you have Little Red Riding Hood story to practice your reading.

dimarts, 18 de maig del 2010


Todays 's been a special day. We have celebrated the 1st. ENGLISH DAY in Castellar and 456 students of Cicle Inicial have taken part in it.  Students have watched a funny play, Cinderella, and they have also participated in some games and activities using English as a main language. CONGRATULATIONS to all the English teachers who have organized this first English day in the village.  We'd like to encourage all of them to keep working on this kind of collaborative projects, really useful and advantageous for all the participating children.

dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010


Hi 6th!

If you need information about London click on the bus.


Hi, 6th! You are looking for information about London and places to visit. Just watch this video. It could be useful!!!